- Awarded by “Rastriya Yoga Pratibha Puraskar”
- Founded Hatha Yoga Planet International
Founded Yogplan
- Published book titled “Classical Yoga: Asana & Pranayama,” featuring 108 asanas with detailed techniques, variations, benefits, and precautions. Suitable for beginners and yoga teachers.
- The book was inaugurated by the honorable President of Nepal, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav.
Founded Panchashree Yoga Retreat
- Led a program on yoga and lifestyle in Japan, covering yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, and teaching methodology across multiple cities. Conducted diverse yoga and wellness programs for Nepalese People in Japan (NRN) and Japanese citizens.
- Yoga and stress program with students of medical science, organized by the Medical University of Graz, Austria.
- Founded Yogmandu in Kathmandu, providing regular yoga training and workshops for locals and foreigners, catering mainly to busy urban dwellers in the city.
- Organized a Yoga Teacher Training Course in China under his leadership, benefiting numerous yoga practitioners and aiding them in initiating their yoga practice and supporting their students.
- Founded Lions Club of Spiritual, Kathmandu
- Conducted Kids Yoga Training in China, addressing stress and anxiety issues among children through workshops on yoga asana, breathing techniques, and meditation, aimed at enhancing their concentration, memory, and skills.
Instructed Yoga, Lifestyle, and Wellness in educational institutions, government agencies, corporate offices, and sports sectors
- Received Nepal Vidya Bhushan “KA” honor from the President of Nepal, Dr. Ramvaran Yadav, on Education day
- Established Nepal Yoga Academy & Retreat Center to train yoga teachers and organize retreats
- Registered with the International Yoga Alliance USA, becoming the first affiliated yoga school in Nepal
Earned Ph.D. in Yoga Science from Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India.
Research title: A comparative study of Yoga Wisdom in Shwetashwatropanisad and Kathopanisad
Obtained Master’s degree in Human Consciousness and Yogic Sciences from Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, India
Achieved Master’s degree in Sanskrit from Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Varanasi, India
Attained Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy from the Institute of Natural Health Center, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Returned to birthplace
- Initiated Teaching modern science and yogic practices to High School Students
- Engaged in delivering Social services and awareness initiatives across various dimensions
- Pursued Higher Education in Science, Sanskrit Literature, and Philosophy
- Started and Continued Yoga Study and Practice independently and under the guidance of saints and yogis
- Learned and Experienced the values of Yogic and Spiritual balanced and disciplined lifestyle in the ashram system
Completed High School and departed for India for Higher Education
Things to know before a yoga teacher training course in nepal
The global market for yoga has skyrocketed in recent years. With the advent of social media and other internet...
5 Yoga Asana’s for a Healthy Gut
5 Yoga Asana , There has been a major shift in the attention and care that society is now...
Being Stress Free Through Yoga
Being Stress Free Through Yoga is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been...
An interview of Dr. Chintamani about yoga and it’s importance
Dr Chintamani represents and embodies a wealth of knowledge and insight into the practice of yoga. He has been...
Why the Nepal Police Academy has integrated Office yoga?
Office yoga for all purpose, Gone are those days when people flaunted their level of stress as a proof...