Journey of yoga

After finishing high school, Dr. Chintamani embarked on a life-altering journey to the spiritual abode of Hardwar, India, known to the world for digging deep into the realms of yoga philosophy and spirituality. He was first exposed to yoga during the college years, and the participation of a yoga camp enlisted him as an enthusiast of the practice with its profound philosophical basis. Moreover, he had firsthand information on how minor health complaints get sorted out with the practice of Yogic activities and the ways to feel better and happier.

Urged by spiritual quest, he was guided by high-ranking yoga ashrams, gurus, and swamis through apprenticeship in an informal way, immersing in their teachings, and assuming the essence of yogic wisdom. His intellectual pursuit simultaneously bloomed under attendance to philosophical discourses by revered spiritual leaders, thus inspiring dedicated study of classical texts like the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and Eastern philosophies. This quest has led to a Master’s Degree in Sanskrit Philosophy and, later on, to a Master’s Degree in specialized subjects on Yoga Sciences, whereby he was provided knowledge about the full expanse of spiritual and philosophical dimensions of Yoga.

Engaging in practical applications, philosophical discourse, conferences, and immersive camps further enriched his understanding and catalyzed a desire for deeper exploration. It was really this thirst for learning that took him through to doctoral research, where he explored intricate parts of yoga philosophy and practice, and which has contributed to the academic discourse around this ancient discipline. During his Ph.D., the subject dealt with a broad scope that included topics on death, liberation, the soul, super-soul, nature, incarnation, reincarnation, karma, and the principle of karmic fruition. In this academic project, he also ventured into other themes, for example, life and afterlife, bondage and liberation of the soul, and, above all, the real aim of life.

It was then he realized the core purpose of the principles of Yoga: to enable human beings to harmonize their material and metaphysical worlds to be able to lead a life that is genuinely spiritual. He learned profound knowledge of ancient scriptures and yogic philosophies in the guidance of top-rated Sanskrit scholars and Swamis in Nepal and India. His training, too, was blessed by these scholars and Swamis in Nepal, further enhancing his knowledge about the spiritual journey.

Besides, while learning the traditional disciplines of Yoga and meditation, apprenticeship came under the guidance of many esteemed Himalayan Gurus, which inspired further to seek more in the area of understanding the real meaning of Yoga. After university, he diversified his teaching. Dr. Chintamani included children’s yoga, yoga for the elderly, and youth programs in his work. He diversified into giving courses of teachers’ training in yoga. Now, teaching for over 25 years, he heads a Classical Yoga Academy and Retreat.

Besides teaching, Dr. Chintamani has been actively associated with corporate social responsibility activities, media presentations, and mentoring people coming from diverse backgrounds in the fields of health lifestyle, stress management, personality development, and skill development. With a teaching experience ranging over 40,000 hours, Dr. Chintamani sinks into the deepest layers of Eastern philosophy, mantras, and tantra with their express purpose towards spirituality and social responsibility. He has emphasized the pursuit of self-realization through the adoption of the yogic lifestyle.

Dr. Chintamani is in charge of running the Nepal Yoga Academy and Retreat, nestled in the tranquil hills of Kathmandu Valley. All international students and guests are warmly welcomed. Revered as “Guruji ” by his students, he imparts teachings that are deeply rooted in classical yoga principles from ancient texts like Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. His approach is the one to revive the importance of the Philosophy of Yoga and to reintroduce yoga in its traditional form. Up to now, over 1000 students have succeeded in graduating from the Nepal Yoga Academy, most of them doing well professionally in yoga and earning a reputation around the world.
